
I was taken with the gentle nuzzling of the two, showing the respect for each other and the expectant emotion that you can feel between them


Open Edition Reproduction

I was taken with the gentle nuzzling of the two, showing the respect for each other and the expectant emotion that you can feel between them.

This beautiful charcoal drawing is done on a gessoed wood panel. The reference photo was kindly shared by Karen Broemmelsick, who is an incredibly generous photographer. I was drawn to this because of the obvious colour opposites of the horses, but also taken with the gentle nuzzling of the two, showing the respect for each other and the expectant emotion that you can feel between them. It was a beautiful drawing to do and I hope I have tried to captured the emotion and respect that they shared.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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25x30cm, 33x40cm, 42x50cm, 50x60cm, 60x72cm, 67x80cm, 75x90cm, 83x100cm, 100x120cm


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