Ben Hur de Bernaville

Ben Hur de Bernaville belongs to a friend of mine in the USA, and I often see photos of him on social media


Open Edition Reproduction

Ben Hur de Bernaville belongs to a friend of mine in the USA, and I often see photos of him on social media….and he always take my breathe away because of his size and immense power! He is a Boulonnais, a draft breed, also known as "White Marble Horse".  I really wanted to capture his beauty, strength and his sentient soul on the canvas.

This is a painting that I have created over two years, not because it took me that long, but more that each time I would start creating I couldn't feel his presence….so I would stop and lean it on the wall for a few months.  After many attempts, and many layers, I decided to paint it like no one would see it…. just for me to see!  I can now feel his presence within the canvas, sense his power and see his sentient soul! The powerful image of Ben is created with a lot of textures, delicate soft tones of colour, and a lot of love.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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40x30cm, 50×37.5cm, 60x45cm, 80x60cm, 100x75cm, 120x90cm


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