In this artwork, I wanted to emphasize the beautiful colours of the water and the fun that Herbie is having at the beach. I painted Herbie in my art studio and the dog’s owner told me that “Herbie found his home with me via gumtree, as I needed a purpose outside of work, craving a clingy excitable doggo. That is exactly what I got, he is also a very funny, gentle and loveable character, always saying ‘I love you’ for any reward whether it is a pat, treats or to play with his ball. He loves all things chew toys (his mission to destroy them as fast as he can), playing with a ball, rope (tug a war), adores children and lives for the beach. He prances around like a happy staffy on walks and loves to learn new tricks. He’s very scared of the vet or any foreign object design to groom. As mentioned, lives for the beach and loves swimming in his shell pool but screams during bath time. He loves people although people at time fear him due to his muscular stature, but he provides people and me with so much joy! He’s my special boy that has given me a reason to smile whenever he’s around”.
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