The Light Horseman

Artwork by Ron Marshall Firm ground and grass underfoot! What a blessed change from the shifting sands of the Sinai desert!


Limited Edition Reproduction of 250 Only

This painting depicts an Australian Light Horseman on his sturdy Waler trotting across a grassy plain.

The horses and their riders were very thankful when the shifting sands of the Egyptian Sinai Desert gave way to firm ground underfoot, and the grass cover of the southern border regions of the Ottoman Empire and southern Palestine. The first fresh grass that the horses had eaten since leaving Australia was at Shiek Zowaid on the edge of the fertile grasslands of the coastal plain sixteen miles north of El Arish.

The rider is wearing the identifying emu plumed slouch hat of the Australian Light Horse, and has obtained from Egypt a cotton shirt, and the coat of his khaki woollen serge uniform is rolled and strapped behind his saddle. He has also procured for the comfort of his horse, a fly veil, to help keep those ever present pests from his horse’s eyes.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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30×22.1cm, 40×29.5cm, 50×36.9cm, 60×44.3cm, 80x59cm


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