Rabbit Proof Fence 3D Crop 7

Mixed Media Concertina Artist Book made of rusted paper, metal, and stitch


Open Edition Reproduction

Mixed Media Concertina Artist Book made of rusted paper, metal, and stitch. Rabbit Proof Fence, is an intimate enquiry into the traumatic world of the stolen generations. Inspired by the strength and drive of the 3 young indigenous girls taken from their families and homes, I found that the concertina format of book making gave me the perfect platform to tell their journey through the desolate outback of WA. The State Barrier Fence of WA was originally designed to keep pests out of agricultural areas. The movie, Rabbit Proof Fence, used this barrier as a symbolic portrayal of the Stolen Generations where mixed race children, ‘half-castes’, were taken from their families to acclimate to Australian ‘white society’, marry Caucasians, hence diminishing the Indigenous population. K Rudd PM 2008 “We say sorry,” offered reconciliation and a chance to start the healing process for so many Australian Indigenous families impacted.

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