Evening bouquet

Jacarandas, wattle and banksias, what delightfully strange bedfellows in an Australian bouquet!


Limited Edition Reproduction of 100 Only

Australian native wildflowers are so strange, and so delightfully sculptural. I have lately become utterly obsessed with making very large paintings of them; with their colours and forms and fitting them together in new, sun-drenched ways. I often surround them with negative patterns, providing some much-needed stillness to oppose the chaos of growth. Here I have combined them with a long-time favourite, the jacaranda. Not a native, but nearly so- much loved and planted in suburban streets all over Australia.

Over the last few years, I have developed an ever more complex practice layering self-designed stencilled elements over transparent colour rubs. I am concerned with the tension between 4 pairs of binary opposites, namely transparent and opaque, moving and static, textured and smooth: and positive and negative. Balancing these tensions on the very edge of instability is very much my focus, no matter my subject.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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30x40cm, 37x50cm, 45x60cm, 60x80cm, 75x100cm, 90x120cm, 105x140cm, 160x120cm


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  • Store Name: De Gillett-Cox
  • Vendor: De Gillett-Cox
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